Friday, September 30, 2011

Meditation for the Day from 9-29-11

How do I get strength to be effective and to accept responsibility?  By asking the High Power for the strength I need each day.  It has been proved in countless lives that every day I live, the necessary power shall be given me.  I must face each challenge that comes to me during the day, sure that God will me to me the strength to face it.  For every task that is given me, there is also given me the power necessary for the performance of that task. I do not need to hold back.

Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may accept every task as a challenge.  I know I cannot wholly fail if God is with me. 
--Twenty-Four Hours a Day    1975 by Hazlden Foundation 

Once I found out that I have a form of dementia (mine is Alzheimer’s Disease) I could start to find what I can do.  It has been a challenge.  Not easy!   I went to the Alzheimer’s Association  for information, to Senior Service, to the computer, and with other persons that have the disease or the caregivers.  I learned that if I am challenged my mind/brain slows me down.  When I start to think that I failed the challenge, I remember my brain is still working. 

But the best thing I can do is to follow my God’s will, by doing that, God will give me strength and power, when I need it. 

God will do it for All! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meditation for the Day 9-2-11

You should try to stand aside and let God work through you.  You should try not to block Him off by your own efforts, or prevent His spirit working through you.  God desires your obedient service and your loyalty to the Ideals of the new life you are seeking.  If you are loyal to God, He will give you protection against mistakes.  His spirit will plan for you and secure for you a sufficiency of all the spiritual help.  You will have true victory and real success, if you will put yourself in the background and let God work through you.     
– from Twenty-Four Hours a Day 1975 by Hazelden Foundation
Not so easy!   Should I?    Could I?   Will I ?   Say yes?  Say no?   Can I?   

God gave us a choice follow God’s will or our will.  
For me today, I find that God’s will, will help me on my spiritual journey with God.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It is a gathering of people who care.  They care enough to share their lives, support, and listen to those who need to be heard … those with Alzheimer’s Disease. 

Two weeks ago, I was at the walk in Saginaw, MI, and I heard and saw laughter, joy, happiness, dancing, sharing, tears, helping, and walking.  It was an AMAZING day.  People were there to show many kinds of  support:  Some to remind us that we are still alive, some to help with fundraising, and some to share their stories.   When I arrived at the Saginaw Walk, I saw a lot of people:  Some were volunteer workers setting things up for the walk; some were care givers; some were family and friends; and, yes, even some who have a form of Alzheimer’s Disease.   God Bless You All! 

On Saturday, September 24, 2011, I will be at the Alzheimer’s Walk in Midland, MI.  I will be speaking.   You can speak too.  If you have a form of Alzheimer’s disease and you are alive, God is with you and will walk with you.  Share your stories.   Caregivers:  You can speak for them.   Everyone is a child of God, and if you are afraid to speak He will help you.  I know because God gives me the words that I need to use. 

For those who cannot be at the walk, I would like to share this speech with you.   (And those who will be at the walk, don’t read the speech until you get home.)  :-)

The End of Alzheimer’s Walk   - Speech

My name is Sara.  I want to thank all of you who came out today to support this event to raise funds for Alzheimer’s research, programs and services.  I am so grateful to those who are here today because it gives me a chance to help get out the word about early detection. 

Alzheimer’s is the disease I have, but it is not who I am. 

Like others who are getting older, I would forget names, places, words, lose keys.  We all do it and we all tend to laugh these things off.  I thought, “This is normal.” So, I let it go. 

Maybe we begin to notice these things happening more frequently.  We may blow it off.  We may become sad, depressed, mad, angry, wonder why me?”  Or maybe we don’t talk about it at all … because it is scary to think about what is happening in our bodies and even scarier to say it out loud.  

If you or someone you know seems to be displaying symptoms, do not delay!  Talk to your doctor!  I didn’t, I waited too long. 

When I finally went to my doctor, he listened to my worries and fears.  It started a long journey of different types of doctors and lots of medical tests.  I met with a Geriatric Physician who specializes in Alzheimer’s  Disease.  He was treating my mother and I asked if he would take me on as a patient.  After more examinations, he was able to confirm a diagnosis:  I have a form of Alzheimer’s Disease. 

Believe it or not this was good news!  I had five years of wondering what was wrong with me.  It was confirmed:  I am not crazy.  I am not stupid.  It does take time to get the right diagnosis.  However, when we do, we are freed.  It is a healing experience to finally know that our suspicions were correct:  There is something wrong. 

Though there isn’t a cure, the progress of the disease can be slowed down. 

Now that I know, I am putting plans in place to visit places and people, and to do things I have wanted to do.  My friends and family will be helping me to execute this plan of action for as long as I can keep going. Even without them, I know I will never be alone, for I have a loving God on this journey with me. 

So, yes … this diagnosis was a blessing.  I am still alive and able to do things.  I can quit my “pity party” and live my life, and help others in need.  I thank God for all these blessings. 

Please remember:  Speak Out.  Do not wait Don’t give up You need to be your own health advocate. 

If you have questions or start to wonder if your forgetfulness is excessive, speak to your family, your friends, any one.  If you think you might be exhibiting symptoms, speak to your doctor, to caregivers. Speak to your Higher Power. 

And if you find you do have Alzheimer’s, start sharing your stories with others, and find friends with whom you can share what you are going through … your anger, your frustration, your love. 

Thanks to all of you who are here for the Alzheimer’s Walk.  Your caring can make a difference to someone you know who has been or will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. 

God Bless you all!

The End of Alzheimer’s starts with me.   And You!


Dear Sara,
September 2011 is the first World Alzheimer's Month and a great opportunity to share your commitment to the fight against Alzheimer's disease through your social networking site.
During World Alzheimer's Month, we're asking people to declare “The End of Alzheimer's Starts with Me” as a way to demonstrate commitment to the cause. You can share this powerful statement with family and friends via your social networks.
Join us on Alzheimer's Action Day, September 21, by going purple.
  • Dress up or dress down, but wear purple, the color of Alzheimer's awareness. Ask your friends and family to join you!
  • Turn Facebook purple. On or before Wednesday, turn your Facebook profile purple using our “End ALZ” icon.
  • Purchase purple products. Shop our limited-edition purple products, including a stylish Threadless T-shirt and Bare Escentuals tenderheart eyeshadow. All purchases benefit the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
  • Post a link to our World Alzheimer's Month page and encourage people to visit and get involved.
  • Follow us on Twitter and re-tweet our posts about World Alzheimer's Month.
Share your passion. Share your committment. Let people know that the end of Alzheimer's starts with you. It starts with all of us.
Looking forward to a great Alzheimer's Action Day,
Angela Geiger
Chief Strategy Officer

Monday, September 12, 2011


Welcome to the I CAN! I WILL! Library
This is a new website that will be a blessing for those who have some type of dementia.  It will be a blessing for caregivers and more. 
One of the programs:  Send us your ideas.  So I did. 
Here is my idea:  Help us learn how to speak out.  Teach people in the early stages of dementia to speak, share, and tell people we are still alive. 
I am Sara Parkin, in Midland, MI USA, and I have Alzheimer’s Disease.  I am a retired nurse and now am a caregiver for my mom. 
My idea is to have more persons in the early stages of dementia of all kinds to Speak Out for those that can't. 
Right now we are able to talk, to see, to care, to make a difference for those are struggling.  There are many classes for Caregivers and they need more.  
I have not seen many classes for early stage persons.  I think we could have a program to help us learn how to speak, how to share, how to tell our caregivers that we are still alive, that we can do things and we will.
The people who should hear about this idea: 
·         Any one who will listen to us.  
·         Doctors that say, "you are just getting old."
·         Family members that do not listen because they "know" what we want.
·         The early stage persons that think they are sick and can't make a difference.
God is amazing.  I was not sure if God was pushing me to do things that I can’t do.  Probably not! I think now that He is showing that if I let go of my will and follow His will:  I CAN!  I WILL! 
I think that all of us can use these words:  I CAN!  I WILL!

Rejoice in the lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!               Philippians 4:4

Saturday, September 10, 2011


To be a Nurse means many things to many people:
To those who need attention she’s an angel in white.
To her fiancée she’s a scintillating sight.
To the doctor she’s a dedicated girl.
To her family she’s a jewel, a priceless. a pearl.
To a child she brings comfort with her smile.
To the youth, an example will worth.
To the staff she’s important part of the team.
But to her family she’s the answer to a dream.

To her friends the paramount of dedication.
To a patient she’s the gift of inspiration.
To the school she’s hours of invested care.
To her family she’s the answer to a prayer.

For, you see, though she’s been away to school,
Though she’s grown and lives by her own rule.
Though she’s surrounded daily by a crowd,
She’s still a part of home and they’re so proud.
                                                                        A.   R. Parkin

Special Note:  I found this poem in my father’s papers 8 years after his death and 4 years after I became a nurse.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Will Be with You

I have been struggling for 2-3 weeks to get a blog out.  I know what I want to do with my words.  Yet, I can’t place them where I want them.  I have about 3 different messages waiting to be delivered to you. I start on one and I can’t remember the words or where they go; the letters don’t look right.  I want to scream.  I need help.  I need focus.  I need Patience.  I need rest.  I need God.  I know that God is here all the time.  I have my time and He has His.  And I started to think that God does not want me working on the blogs and wants me to rest.    Then I thought:  Housework, church, Alzheimer’s Association, walking, meetings and now I have to work in time for rest?   Sigh! 

The word focus came in to my mind.  I need to sit down and take on one thing that is important at a time. Then I said to myself:  “Sara, you have to get the bulletin ready for the service on 8-29-11.”  Our pastor sets up 3 month plans, so we can see the themes ahead of time.  If one touches your heart and you want to preside or speak on that date, you ask him if it is open or not.  Now our church, Community of Christ, uses the lectionary for our worship resources to help support our services.  It is wonderful.  In the instant I saw the theme “I will be with you”, it did hit my heart hard and I went looking for the Pastor.  It was mine!  I wanted to preside.  


I have presided in the past, not good, not bad, I was not focusing. I know that there is no bad service.  If only one person has been blessed by God, it is good.


It was the first of July.  I had 2 months to be ready.  I read the scriptures, the music, the readings all the things that were laid out that week.  Then, I took a break and made time to feel it in my soul.  Every now and then I would peek in and move this here and jot that down, take that out.  Or, I like this song, it works.  Who will play the piano?  Who would like to read or sing?  Who is working on a sermon, or a testimony or maybe developing a message from something they’ve read in a book? Maybe we could use the short movie the worship resource says is good.  


Then I was into August, got to get going. Well, I want to send out a blog, and I did and then, with his permission, I was able to use two of Richard Taylor’s blogs to share some of his insights from his blogs. About that time I was slowly getting tired, and I was getting upset, angry, why can I not be able to work on the blog #6: Laugh and Smiles in the Let’s Talk Words series.  I am not laughing or smiling.   Why, Why, Why!


I went back on my knees, and again asked why, what is wrong, when will it get better, I know it will.  AH!  Your Will!  O Lord I am so sorry.  I have been focusing at the wrong times, not taking rests, and I need to follow your will.  It was OK.  Laying on my bed, I took the time to Listen to God as I kept my mouth shut.  And He answered my questions in my prayer.  Focus on the upcoming next two weeks, and you will be able to preside at the Service if you keep focusing.   Can I focus?  Yes I can, as long as I walk side by side with God.    


Praise God, He was with us at our service on Sunday.  Below, I’ve included below some of the readings and music used in support of the theme, “I Will Be With You.” 


What a beautiful day! And the Lord gave it to us!  Praise Him!


Hymn:                                     “Now in this Moment”       

Hymn:                                    “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”

Hymn:                                    “Meet Me in a Holy Place”

*Hymn:                                  Here I am, Lord”                                                               

Ministry of Music:  Soloist - “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow”

Call to Worship: As Moses begins to understand that yhwh is speaking to him, he is filled with fear and then resistance to that call. At times we also fail to embrace God’s call because of are inadequacies, doubting our worthiness.  God’s call is a accompanied by the affirmation that God is with us.  God’s call is not about us. When we faithfully respond, God is able to use us as a blessing to those in need. 

Focus Moment:   One of our kids put the hula hoop around her and her mom tells us that today’s scripture talks about Moses and his encounter with God. God explains to Moses that God is with us always, surrounding us, with no beginning and no end.

Scripture Used: 


Psalm 105:1–6 

1 Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; 
   make known among the nations what he has done. 
2 Sing to him, sing praise to him; 
   tell of all his wonderful acts. 
3 Glory in his holy name; 
   let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. 
4 Look to the LORD and his strength; 
   seek his face always.
5 Remember the wonders he has done, 
   his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, 
6 you his servants, the descendants of Abraham, 
   his chosen ones, the children of Jacob. 

Psalm 105:23-26, 45

New International Version (NIV) 
23 Then Israel entered Egypt; 
   Jacob resided as a foreigner in the land of Ham. 
24 The LORD made his people very fruitful; 
   he made them too numerous for their foes, 
25 whose hearts he turned to hate his people, 
   to conspire against his servants. 
26 He sent Moses his servant, 
   and Aaron, whom he had chosen…
45 that they might keep his precepts 
   and observe his laws.      Praise the LORD

Exodus 3:1-15 - Moses and the Burning Bush
New International Version (NIV)

1Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. 3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” 4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”  And Moses said, “Here I am.”
5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God. 7 The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”

11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” 12 And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them”

14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”  15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ 
   “This is my name forever, 
   the name you shall call me 
   from generation to generation.”

 Message – Nooma DVD-- Rain by Rob Bell. 

*Prayer of Benediction    Doctrine and Covenants 161:7
The Spirit of the One you follow is the spirit of love and peace. That Spirit seeks to abide in the hearts of those who would embrace its call and live its message. The path will not always be easy, the choices will not always be clear, but the cause is sure and the Spirit will bear witness to the truth, and those who live the truth will know the hope and the joy of discipleship in the community of Christ. Amen.

Remember:  He tells us:  “I will be with you.”