Presentes de Deus
Dom:1. algo dado para mostrar a amizade, carinho, apoio, etc; presente2. o ato, poder ou direito de dar3. uma habilidade natural; talento
Deus deu a todos os presentes através de nossas vidas e nessa época do ano é chamado de Natal. Estamos enviando e recebendo presentes de nossas famílias, amigos, chefes, etc Temos os presentes pelo correio, cartas, computador, telefone e face a face. Ficamos com livros, brinquedos, roupas, CDs, sobre e sobre. Deus nos dá presentes também.Acho que levei muito tempo em meus primeiros dias antes de me tornar ciente de que os presentes foram dados para me da minha família para aniversários, Natal, ou apenas porque queriam me dar um presente. Eu não sabia que Deus me deu presentes. Como eu cresci (ainda crescendo) eu descobri que Deus nos dá presentes.Aqui estão alguns dos presentes que mudou minha vida.
O primeiro foi quando eu soube que me trouxe à vida. O segundo foi quando eu descobri que Deus enviou um bebê para me salvar e seu nome é Jesus. A terceira é quando eu aprendi que Deus é Amor Incondicional. Sobre a minha vida, Deus iria me dar presentes. Havia tempos que eu não entendia o que o presente significava para mim ou eu não queria ter esse dom. Eu acredito que eu não era digno. "Eu não posso fazer isso!", Ou "Não me", foram as respostas típicas. E então, havia dons que mudou minha vida. Um exemplo recente é o dom que ele deu no dia que ele disse: Sara, você ainda estiver vivo, você tem coisas para fazer, vamos.
Deus tem presentes para nós. Para mim, Deus me deu o entendimento de que os presentes que são dados devem ser usados, e eles são para o nosso Ministério. A meu ver, Deus dá a todos os seus filhos um ministério no momento do nascimento e ele continua a dar-nos mais do que precisamos para crescer nesses ministérios.Todos terão seus dons partes quando Deus com eles. Todos nós temos dons diferentes e alguns são apenas para você ou alguma sobreposição. Eu não tenho idéia de todos os dons que Deus enviou ao redor do mundo. Eu vou tentar listar o que os presentes que poderia receber.
Presentes deuses:
Deus é um dom para nós
Jesus, o Espírito SantoGraça, bênçãos, misericórdia, perdão, Our Lives
Vontade de Deus, a nossa vontade, a nossa escolha
Bíblia: As pessoas que escreveram a Bíblia
Fruto: amor, alegria, paz, longanimidade, benignidade, bondade, fidelidade, mansidão, auto-controle
Nossa Família: Mãe, pai, irmã, irmão, filhos, tios, tias, avó, avô, sobrinha e sobrinho de
Música, Dança, Sing Escritores, Song
Diversidade: Somos todos diferentes-Corpos, Brains, Cores, do Ministério
Dá: pastores, mentores, professores, igrejas, congregações
Dá: Ministério a todos os Filhos de Deus desde o nascimento
Dá: Risos, sorrisos, felicidade Fun,
Dá: Palavras, Livros, Mensagem Sermon, no papel, nos dedos, nas paredes, em telas
Nós podemos e vamos usar os nossos dons dada por Deus para compartilhar com os outros.
Deus nos deu: João 3: 16
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu Seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.
Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, my goal is to tell my story as long as I can.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
God’s Gifts
1. something given to show friendship,
affection, support, etc.; present
2. the act, power, or right of giving
3. a natural ability; talent
God has
given gifts all through our lives and at this time of the year it is called Christmas. We are sending and receiving gifts from our
families, friends, bosses, etc. We get
the gifts by mail, cards, phone, computer and face to face. We get books, toys, clothes, CDs, on and on. God gives us gifts too.
I think it
took me a long time in my early days before I became aware that gifts were given
to me from my family for birthdays, Christmas, or just because they wanted to
give me a gift. I did not know that
God gave me gifts. As I grew up (still
growing up) I found that God gives us gifts.
Here are some of the gifts that changed my life.
The first one
was when I learned that brought me to life.
The second was when I found out that God sent a baby to save me and his
name is Jesus. The third is when I
learned that God is Unconditional Love.
Over my life, God would give me gifts.
There were times I did not understand what the gift meant to me or I did
not want to have that gift. I would
believe that I was not worthy. “I can’t
do this!”, or “No not me,” were typical responses. And then, there were gifts that changed my
life. A recent example is the gift he
gave the day he said: Sara, you are
still alive, you have things to do, let’s go.
God has
gifts for us. For me, God gave me the understanding that the
gifts that are given are to be used, and they are for our Ministry. As I see it, God gives all of his children a
ministry at birth and he continues to
give us more of what we need to grow in those ministries. Everyone will have their gifts when God
shares with them. We all have different
gifts and some are just for you or some overlap. I have no clue of all the gifts that God
sent out around the world. I am going
to try to list what gifts we might receive.
Gods Gifts:
God is a
gift to us
Jesus, Holy
Blessings, Mercy, Forgiveness, Our Lives
God’s Will,
Our Will, Our Choice
Bible: The persons who wrote the Bible
Fruit: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness,
Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control
Families: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Children, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmother,
Grandfather, Niece, and Nephews Music, Dance, Sing, Song Writers
Diversity: We all are different—Bodies, Brains, Colors,
Pastors, Mentors, Teachers, Churches, Congregations
Gives: Ministry to all of God’s Children from birth
Gives: Laughter, Smiles, Happiness, Fun
Gives: Words, Books, Message, Sermon, On Paper, On
Fingers, On Walls, On Screens
We can and
we will use our given gifts from God to share to others.
God has
given us: John 3: 16
For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Journey with Associacao Brasiletra de Alzheimer
Eu quero minhas irmãs e irmãos de saber deste blog por isso vou tentar GoogleTranslate.
Espero que eu não estragar tudo.
Espero que eu não estragar tudo.
A viagem com a Associação de Alzheimer Brasiletra 2
Quando decidi voltar ao Brasil no meu 10 º ano, eu queria ir para a 3 semanas em vez de duas semanas. Eu estava planejando para ficar com Fernanda e Carlos porque eu acreditava que eu não iria voltar em 2012 por causa da minha doença Alz. Acho que Deus tinha ideias diferentes para a viagem isso. Apenas no caso, eu embalei Panfletos com informações sobre Alz. Eu queria entrar em contato com Associação Brasil de Brasiletra.
Quando decidi voltar ao Brasil no meu 10 º ano, eu queria ir para a 3 semanas em vez de duas semanas. Eu estava planejando para ficar com Fernanda e Carlos porque eu acreditava que eu não iria voltar em 2012 por causa da minha doença Alz. Acho que Deus tinha ideias diferentes para a viagem isso. Apenas no caso, eu embalei Panfletos com informações sobre Alz. Eu queria entrar em contato com Associação Brasil de Brasiletra.
Quando nós compartilhamos isso com Pastor Rubia Dos Reis Pereira, disse que há muitas, muitas pessoas que têm a doença aqui em Poa e Suzano e muito mais em todo Brasil. Ela quer vir com a gente para a Associação Alz em São Paulo. Filha de Fernanda Carla é um doutor e Tony Saraiva quer vir também. Quando Carol, Jan e Joey veio aqui que gostaria de ir também. Estávamos animado.
Durante os primeiros 2 semanas, estávamos trabalhando com a nossa igreja em "Comunidade de Cristo" em Poa, Ferraz e Susano. Onde quer que fôssemos: Serviços, visitando, as histórias de pessoas de sua família doenças. Ouvimos as palavras: Doença de Alzheimer. Fomos capazes de falar com famílias em casas, a Igreja, mesmo em empresas. Após a duas semanas, Tony foi visitar sua família no Brasil do Norte na segunda-feira, Carol, Joey, e Jan na terça-feira para ir para casa.Dr. Carla teve que trabalhar sexta-feira e não pôde vir. Eu iria para casa no domingo.Na manhã de quinta-feira, Fernanda chamou a Associacao de Brasiletra de Alzheimer, para ver se poderíamos vir a visitá-los. A razão para ir é para ajudar a multa para as pessoas que têm doença de Alzheimer nas cidades em torno de nossa igreja, também, para obter informações para os cuidadores com a família, ou de um enfermeiro ou um médico.
Vera respondeu, e disse: Não, muito ocupado, sem tempo! Talvez no próximo ano!Fernanda disse: OK, temos uma senhora a partir dos EUA que tem a Doença de Alzheimer e está na fase inicial da doença e ela está em seus conselhos. Então ouvimos: Realmente! Espere um minuto, você pode vir amanhã das 9-10h. Tenho uma outra reunião em 10. Fernanda disse: Vamos!
É sexta-feira! Filho do pastor Rubia estava doente e levou para o hospital. Saímos para fora em 7:00 e levamos uma hora para chegar a São Paula e depois uma hora para encontrar a ABRAz (Associação Brasiletra de Alzheimer) Regional São Paulo.Obrigado Carlos! Você nos trouxe até aqui, ainda estamos vivos. Em menos você tem impulsionado em São Paulo, você não tem como o quão difícil é para apenas dirigir.Nós fizemos isso.
Subimos três lances de escadas e foram recebidos pelo Secretário e Vera, que é o Presidente da Associação e falou-nos em Inglês. Ela disse que não era bom e eu disse a ela que o pior foi no meu Portugues. Grandes sorrisos e abraços grandes! A 4 de nós sentamos e começamos a conversar. Vera estava muito feliz que nós estávamos aqui. Porque também nós éramos muito felizes. Vera disse-nos que ela quer saber como fazemos as coisas nos EUA. Eu compartilhei sobre nossos passeios, os e-mails uma vez por semana, se queremos que eles, os escritos, como panfletos.Nós compartilhamos o bracelete de alerta médico e Vera espera que algum dia eles podem tê-los também. Vera disse-nos que muitas famílias não vai dizer a pessoa que eles têm que fazer faz com que o doente-los e não deixar que os médicos dizem aos pacientes também. Não há o suficiente de Médicos Geriatras. Os cuidadores que trabalham para ela são apenas saindo para os hospitais. Brasil é como nós: precisamos de médicos. Cuidadores e enfermeiros. Além disso, voluntários, Apoiantes de levar as pessoas para a Etapa até Speak Out,
Se os EUA iria decolar 1/3rd do Alasca que seria sobre o mesmo País de grandes dimensões. (Apenas uma diferente de como nós em forma) (Sorriso) eu compartilhei isso porque a maioria dos programas de Saúde são usados na costa do Brasil. O resto do interior é difícil de encontrar, o Dr. de Enfermeiras, etc Quanto mais eles entram, a menos ajuda que recebem. Nós somos da mesma maneira. Dentro dos EUA. muito l do Dr. e enfermeiros, ainda precisamos de mais nos programas de Saúde também.
Antes de sairmos, Vera deu-nos informação, 2 bookletsets e um CD.
Obrigado Vera, para que você deixe-nos para vir e nós agora somos uma família.
Abraço e beijo!
Quando voltei do Brasil fui para a cama eo resto da semana eu só descansou. Na semana seguinte, enviei um e-mail Para Vera e ela me mandou um de volta. Aqui estão eles;
Eu estava tão abençoado por estar em seu Associacao Brasiletra de Alzheimer.
Eu estou trabalhando em um blog sobre a nossa conexão. Levará tempo para terminar.
Antes que eu possa escrever o blog, eu preciso de algumas informações de você.Quero compartilhar nossas experiências entre si, Fernada, Carlos, e me
Minha esperança é que possamos conectar-se a Brasil e EUA para compartilhar nossas necessidades.
Também na esperança de que eu estou fazendo sentido. kkkk
Nós rimos muito lá.
Deus nos deu esse dom do riso
Nós podemos fazer isso.
Nós podemos! We Will!
Caro Sarah
Foi muito importante para mim conhecê-lo e aprender com você a força que uma pessoa com doença de Alzheimer e é principalmente como devemos aprender a ouvir.Estou copiando este e-mail, Fernanda e Carlos, para que possamos ajudá-la em seu blog e fornecer um canal para troca de experiências entre nossos países. Um abraçomuito carinhoso.
Vera Pedrosa Caovilla, Presidente da ABRAz
Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Eu tive um tempo duro para colocá-lo together.I pensar que eu estava no caminhoerrado, ou Deus me colocou na minha cama e me para descansar. Olhei no meio de novembro e enviar este para fora hoje 12-11-11
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Journey with Associacao Brasiletra de Alzheimer
The Journey with Associacao Brasiletra de Alzheimer
When I decided to go back to
Brasil for my tenth year, I wanted to go for three weeks instead of two weeks. I was planning to be with Fernanda Carvelho and Carlos Carvalho because I believed that I
would not go back in 2012 because of my Alz disease. I think that God had
different ideas for me this trip. Just
in case, I packed flyers with information on Alz. I wanted to connect with Brasil’s Associacao
de Brasiletra de Alzheimer.
When we shared this with
Pastor Rubia Dos Reis Pereira, she said
that there are many, many persons that have the disease here in Poa and Suzano,
and more throughout Brasil. She wanted to come with us to the Alz Association
in Sao Paulo. Fernanda’s daughter, Carla
Alpha is a Doctor and she as well as Tony Saraiva wanted to come, too. When Carol Campbell, Jan Trzil and Joey arrived
from the US, they also wanted to go. We were excited.
the first two weeks, we were working with our church in “Community Of Christ”
in Poa, Ferraz and Susano. Everywhere we went: services, visiting,
stories from people of their family sicknesses. We heard the words: Alzheimer’s
Disease. We were able to speak with families
in homes, the Church, even in businesses.
After the first two weeks, Tony went to visit his family in North Brasil
on Monday; Carol, Joey, and Jan departed for home in the US on Tuesday. Dr Carla had to work Friday and could not
come. I would be leaving on Sunday.
Thursday morning, Fernanda called the Associacao de Brasiletra de Alzheimer to
see if we could come to visit with them.
The reason for the visit: To find
help for the people that have Alzheimer’s Disease in the cities around our church. We also wanted to get information for
caregivers, whether it be a family member, a nurse or a doctor.
Vera at the Alzheimer’s
office answered Fernanda’s call and said:
No, too busy, no time! Maybe next
year! Fernanda said: OK, we have a lady from the USA that has the
Alzheimer’s Disease. She is in an early
stage of the disease and she is on their council. Then the response changed to: Really!
Wait a minute, can you come tomorrow from 9-10am. I have another meeting at 10. Fernanda said: We will!
Friday arrived! Pastor Rubia’s son was sick and had to go to
the hospital. So, we left at 7am and it
took us one hour to get to Sao Paula and then another hour to find the ABRAz
(Associacao Brasiletra de Alzheimer) Regional Office in Sao Paulo. Thank you Carlos! You got us there, we were
still alive. Unless you have driven in
Sao Paulo, you have NO idea how hard it is to just drive. We made it.
We walked up three flights
of stairs and were welcomed by the Secretary
and Vera, who is the Presidente of the Associacao. She spoke to us in English, which she said
that was not good and I told her I was worse with my Portugues. Big smiles and great hugs! The four of us sat down and started
talking. Vera was very happy we were there. We
were very happy, too. Vera told us that
she wanted to know how we do things in the USA.
I shared about our Walks; the emails once a week if we want them; written
communications, like the pamphlets. We shared
the Medic Alert bracelet and Vera hopes that some day they can have them, also.
Vera told us that too many families
will not tell others what they have that make makes them sick, and sometimes
the families will not let the Doctors tell their Patients, either. There are not enough Geriatricians
Doctors. The caregivers that work for
her are only going out to the hospitals.
Brasil is like us: Need doctors. caregivers
and nurses. They are also in need of
volunteers and supporters to get people to Step up to Speak Out,
Brazil is almost as large as
the US (well, if you remove about 1/3 of Alaska we would be about the same size). I share this because most of the Health
programs are focused on the coast of Brasil.
The rest of the interior, it is hard to find doctors, nurses, etc. The deeper you go, the less help they
get. We are the same way in the rural
areas of the USA. We have a lot of doctors
and and nurses, yet we need more in the Alzheimer’s Health programs, too.
Before we left,
Vera gave us information, 2 booklets and a CD.
Thank you Vera,
for letting us come. We now are
family. Hug and Kiss!
When I came back
from Brasil, I went to bed and the rest of the week I just rested. The next week, I sent an e-mail to Vera and she sent me one back. Here they are;
I was so blessed to be at your Associacao Brasiletra de
I am working on a blog about our connection. It will take time to finish.
Before I can write the blog, I need some information from
you. I want to share our experiences
between you, Fernada, Carlos, and me
My hope is that we can connect to Brasil and USA to share
our needs.
Also hoping that I am making sense. kkkk
We laughed a lot there.
God gave us that gift of laughter
We can do this.
We can! We Will!
And Vera
Dear Sarah
It was very important for me to meet you and learn from you the
strength that a person with Alzheimer's disease and is mainly how we must learn
to listen. I am copying this email, Fernanda and Carlos, so we can help her on
her blog and provide a channel for sharing experiences between our countries. A
very affectionate hug.
Vera Pedrosa Caovilla, Presidente
of ABRAz
Sao Paulo, Brasil.
I had
a hard time to put it together.I think that I was on the wrong path or God put
me in my bed and get me to rest. I stared in the middle of November and sending
this out today 12-11-11
comment what Ideas to share with Brazil/Brasil!
You for your Patience.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Stand Firm in the Lord
I want to talk about this scripture from the Bible: Philippians 4:1-9.
This coming Sunday, I will be presiding for our church service at the Community of Christ. It is hard for me right now to get the words I know aren’t coming easy.
I have been on a ride with God and the Alzheimer’s Association. September was the month we were focusing to share to the world that this Disease needs to have research, support, and funds. I was willing to be a part of the month’s activities.
In late July, a friend saw my blog and asked me if I would be willing to go to the Midland Daily News. I said: I need to pray and the next day I said: Yes. I was scared. Then I remembered that God will let it happen or stop it. God said yes.
So through August and September:
· I spoke at two walks about Alzheimer’s Disease
· Went around Midland getting pictures:
o in church
o celebrating birthdays
o volunteering
o mall-walking
o working on my blog in bed
o seeing my doctor
· Attended church services, meetings and interviews
And more.
I am tired.
I had a great time sharing with people who have this disease, and their family or caregivers, or others that want to help by donating their time, their money and their love. There were sad times and a lot of laughter. Best of all, God gave us His strength, His Power to keep us moving.
Today I am praying that He will again give me strength to finish this blog.
I was reading this scripture from Philippians. What does that mean about standing firm in the Lord? It means for me that when I was asked to preside for this Sunday, I could say yes. I can stand firm with Him walking side by side. This scripture is in my heart forever. I can stand firm in the Lord only by his grace. I need to remember: God’s will, not mine. This will keep me standing, too.
Philippians 4:1-9
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.
I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you also, my loyal companion, help these women, for they have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel, together with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
The first time I walked into the hospital as a nurse,(just out of college) I went to the chapel and prayed that God would keep me calm, do the right thing and ask help from others I continued to go to the chapel every day before I go to work and when things got hard.
Philippians 4: 4-7 was my favorite. It always gives me peace.
In 4:1-3 Paul needed to get the ladies together because the whole congregation is upset. I have been in those times when a friend and I did not connect to agree. And I knew I was right, my friend said she was right and we would try to get others on our sides. We all have done it sometime. Paul wanted to stop this. We all need to stop it. When we do that is when we REJOICE!
How can I do it? For me: Praying and talking and listening with God, then asking God for His will to be done, not mine. And God will help me to listen to my friend’s thoughts and ideas and I can understand where they are going. And I hope that they will too listen to my thoughts and ideas so we can come together.
In verses 4-7: We rejoice! We can be gentle, we know our Lord is with us, we don’t have to worry, we can pray, we can be thankful, we can talk to God and He will listen, we will have the peace of God, we can have an understanding in our hearts, our minds, and will be guarded in Christ Jesus.
And then in verses 8-9: I have nothing to say, it speaks for itself.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
This is the reason I love Philippians 4: 1-9: It started with a problem, got it fixed, and God’s unconditional Love reminds us that we can share His love to all that we come into our lives.
Stand Firm in the Lord
I Can! I will!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Meditation for the Day from 9-29-11
How do I get strength to be effective and to accept responsibility? By asking the High Power for the strength I need each day. It has been proved in countless lives that every day I live, the necessary power shall be given me. I must face each challenge that comes to me during the day, sure that God will me to me the strength to face it. For every task that is given me, there is also given me the power necessary for the performance of that task. I do not need to hold back.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may accept every task as a challenge. I know I cannot wholly fail if God is with me.
--Twenty-Four Hours a Day 1975 by Hazlden Foundation
Once I found out that I have a form of dementia (mine is Alzheimer’s Disease) I could start to find what I can do. It has been a challenge. Not easy! I went to the Alzheimer’s Association for information, to Senior Service, to the computer, and with other persons that have the disease or the caregivers. I learned that if I am challenged my mind/brain slows me down. When I start to think that I failed the challenge, I remember my brain is still working.
But the best thing I can do is to follow my God’s will, by doing that, God will give me strength and power, when I need it.
God will do it for All!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Meditation for the Day 9-2-11
You should try to stand aside and let God work through you. You should try not to block Him off by your own efforts, or prevent His spirit working through you. God desires your obedient service and your loyalty to the Ideals of the new life you are seeking. If you are loyal to God, He will give you protection against mistakes. His spirit will plan for you and secure for you a sufficiency of all the spiritual help. You will have true victory and real success, if you will put yourself in the background and let God work through you.
– from Twenty-Four Hours a Day 1975 by Hazelden Foundation
Not so easy! Should I? Could I? Will I ? Say yes? Say no? Can I?
God gave us a choice follow God’s will or our will.
For me today, I find that God’s will, will help me on my spiritual journey with God.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
It is a gathering of people who care. They care enough to share their lives, support, and listen to those who need to be heard … those with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Two weeks ago, I was at the walk in Saginaw, MI, and I heard and saw laughter, joy, happiness, dancing, sharing, tears, helping, and walking. It was an AMAZING day. People were there to show many kinds of support: Some to remind us that we are still alive, some to help with fundraising, and some to share their stories. When I arrived at the Saginaw Walk, I saw a lot of people: Some were volunteer workers setting things up for the walk; some were care givers; some were family and friends; and, yes, even some who have a form of Alzheimer’s Disease. God Bless You All!
On Saturday, September 24, 2011, I will be at the Alzheimer’s Walk in Midland, MI. I will be speaking. You can speak too. If you have a form of Alzheimer’s disease and you are alive, God is with you and will walk with you. Share your stories. Caregivers: You can speak for them. Everyone is a child of God, and if you are afraid to speak He will help you. I know because God gives me the words that I need to use.
For those who cannot be at the walk, I would like to share this speech with you. (And those who will be at the walk, don’t read the speech until you get home.) :-)
The End of Alzheimer’s Walk - Speech
My name is Sara. I want to thank all of you who came out today to support this event to raise funds for Alzheimer’s research, programs and services. I am so grateful to those who are here today because it gives me a chance to help get out the word about early detection.
Alzheimer’s is the disease I have, but it is not who I am.
Like others who are getting older, I would forget names, places, words, lose keys. We all do it and we all tend to laugh these things off. I thought, “This is normal.” So, I let it go.
Maybe we begin to notice these things happening more frequently. We may blow it off. We may become sad, depressed, mad, angry, wonder why me?” Or maybe we don’t talk about it at all … because it is scary to think about what is happening in our bodies and even scarier to say it out loud.
If you or someone you know seems to be displaying symptoms, do not delay! Talk to your doctor! I didn’t, I waited too long.
When I finally went to my doctor, he listened to my worries and fears. It started a long journey of different types of doctors and lots of medical tests. I met with a Geriatric Physician who specializes in Alzheimer’s Disease. He was treating my mother and I asked if he would take me on as a patient. After more examinations, he was able to confirm a diagnosis: I have a form of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Believe it or not this was good news! I had five years of wondering what was wrong with me. It was confirmed: I am not crazy. I am not stupid. It does take time to get the right diagnosis. However, when we do, we are freed. It is a healing experience to finally know that our suspicions were correct: There is something wrong.
Though there isn’t a cure, the progress of the disease can be slowed down.
Now that I know, I am putting plans in place to visit places and people, and to do things I have wanted to do. My friends and family will be helping me to execute this plan of action for as long as I can keep going. Even without them, I know I will never be alone, for I have a loving God on this journey with me.
So, yes … this diagnosis was a blessing. I am still alive and able to do things. I can quit my “pity party” and live my life, and help others in need. I thank God for all these blessings.
Please remember: Speak Out. Do not wait. Don’t give up. You need to be your own health advocate.
If you have questions or start to wonder if your forgetfulness is excessive, speak to your family, your friends, any one. If you think you might be exhibiting symptoms, speak to your doctor, to caregivers. Speak to your Higher Power.
And if you find you do have Alzheimer’s, start sharing your stories with others, and find friends with whom you can share what you are going through … your anger, your frustration, your love.
Thanks to all of you who are here for the Alzheimer’s Walk. Your caring can make a difference to someone you know who has been or will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.
God Bless you all!
The End of Alzheimer’s starts with me. And You!
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