Wednesday, December 21, 2011

God’s Gifts

1.     something given to show friendship, affection, support, etc.; present
2.     the act, power, or right of giving
3.     a natural ability; talent

God has given gifts all through our lives and at this time of the year it is called Christmas.  We are sending and receiving gifts from our families, friends, bosses, etc.   We get the gifts by mail, cards, phone, computer and face to face.  We get books, toys, clothes, CDs, on and on.  God gives us gifts too. 

I think it took me a long time in my early days before I became aware that gifts were given to me from my family for birthdays, Christmas, or just because they wanted to give me a gift.    I did not know that God gave me gifts.  As I grew up (still growing up) I found that God gives us gifts.  Here are some of the gifts that changed my life.                                                          
The first one was when I learned that brought me to life.  The second was when I found out that God sent a baby to save me and his name is Jesus.  The third is when I learned that God is Unconditional Love.  Over my life, God would give me gifts.  There were times I did not understand what the gift meant to me or I did not want to have that gift.  I would believe that I was not worthy.  “I can’t do this!”, or “No not me,” were typical responses.  And then, there were gifts that changed my life.  A recent example is the gift he gave the day he said:  Sara, you are still alive, you have things to do, let’s go.  

God has gifts for us.   For me, God gave me the understanding that the gifts that are given are to be used, and they are for our Ministry.  As I see it, God gives all of his children a ministry at birth and he continues  to give us more of what we need to grow in those ministries.  Everyone will have their gifts when God shares with them.  We all have different gifts and some are just for you or some overlap.    I have no clue of all the gifts that God sent out around the world.   I am going to try to list what gifts we might receive.

Gods Gifts:
God is a gift to us
Jesus, Holy Spirit
Grace, Blessings, Mercy, Forgiveness, Our Lives
God’s Will, Our Will, Our Choice
Bible:  The persons who wrote the Bible
Fruit:   Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control
Our Families: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Children, Aunts, Uncles, Grandmother, Grandfather, Niece, and Nephews Music, Dance, Sing, Song Writers
Diversity:  We all are different—Bodies, Brains, Colors, Ministry,
Gives: Pastors, Mentors, Teachers, Churches, Congregations
Gives:  Ministry to all of God’s Children from birth
Gives:  Laughter, Smiles, Happiness, Fun
Gives:  Words, Books, Message, Sermon, On Paper, On Fingers, On Walls, On Screens

We can and we will use our given gifts from God to share to others.

God has given us: John 3: 16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


  1. i trully believe in what u r saying
    he has given me life you and my ex

  2. Thanks Sara. Sometimes we forget the greatness of God's gifts.
    Rod (cookieman)

  3. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
