Saturday, May 7, 2011

Meditation for the Day – May 6

A Meditation for the Day – May 6

“The way sometimes seems long and weary!  So many people today are weary.  The weariness of others must often be shared by me.  The weary and the heavy laden, when they come to me, should be helped to find the rest that I have found.  There is only one cure for world-weariness and that is turning to spiritual things.  In order to help bring about the turning of the weary world to God, I must dare to suffer, dare to conquer selfishness in myself, and dare to be filled with spiritual peace in the face of all the weariness of the world.” 
-- From Twenty-Four Hours a Day © 1975 by Hazelden Foundation.

I understand:  We can make a difference in the world. 

When we see someone that looks all in, burned-out, fatigued, pooped, tired or tapped out we can make a change in their lives.  We can pray, listen, hands on their shoulder, ask if we can help them or let them know we care.  We will make a difference. 

In order to do this, we need to take care of ourselves:

Keep our brains working:  
When we take a chance to do something that is challenging to us, try it.  If it doesn’t work it is not a fail, because your brain got smarter. 

Walk outside.  Walk inside.  Exercise while in your chair watching TV.  Move your arms, neck, fingers, laugh, dance, do dishes, just take it at your rate and sit when you need. 

Fresh fruit, fresh veggies, lean meat, fish, rice, potatoes

Pray for others, for self, journal, have quiet time with your God

Today, for me, clouds of weariness are popping up when not wanted.  One minute I feel great and then, I am exhausted. 

Thankful that it does not happen all the time.  Sometimes, I know that there are times that I can’t understand why I don’t what to go places that I really like to go to.  Sometimes, it could be I worked too hard or did not take my nap.  Oops!  Most of the time, this happens in the evening. 

I do know that I can make it better:  I can pray for strength, for endurance or for freshness.  I can dance with God as I sit in my chair listening to the music.  Picks me right up!  I can pick up a phone and call a sister that makes me laugh or have my husband hug me. 

I prayed, worked on the blog for this reading, ate healthy food, and walked around the street.

I also know that Christ is with me whether I am down or up.

When we think that we are getting wearied, bushed, jaded, wiped out or tuckered out, we know we are not alone and we have ways to stop the weariness.  Thank You, God!


  1. Great thoughts, Sara...

  2. Sara, try to stay away from anything containing high fructose corn syrup. It may play into the disease as it does diabetes. The pancreas cannot process it and so the high fructose corn syrup pours right into the blood stream and the pancreas makes no insulin to balance it.

    My sister suffers from Alzheimer's too.
